Why are Strong Digital Foundations so Important in Healthcare?

Image created by Rudy Chidiac. © Open Medical 2024. All Rights Reserved

There is a need for better digital foundations.

According to the NHS, only 20% of their organisations are digitally mature. They’ve recognised this need and have set their priorities, specifying the implementation of stronger foundations for care delivery in the future.

But it’s not just about digitising existing practices; it's about leveraging technology to completely re-engineer and enhance these practices.

Why is it so important?

The cost of healthcare continues to increase, and the NHS is under extreme strain, meaning some people can’t access the care they need. Digital foundations will support future healthcare demands and lead to sustainable practices. How?

Because of data.

This is why digital foundations must pertain to more than just patient records; they need to include data captured from patient pathways from beginning to end. This ensures complete and accurate data. It gives a fuller, clearer picture. When robust technological infrastructure underpins the patient pathway, supporting both clinical and operational activities integral to delivering healthcare services, the data it captures is extremely valuable.

It’s with this data that healthcare organisations can:

  • Assess effectiveness of care delivery

  • Identify best practices

  • Utilise resources more effectively

  • Understand the sources of inefficiencies

  • Find cost-saving opportunities

And of course, let’s not forget that the data gathered supports healthcare providers in making well-informed, data-driven decisions. If digital foundations are weak, data is weak, and this can compromise care delivery. 

A strong digital foundation ensures that clinicians have access to comprehensive and accurate patient data, without which data may be incomplete, inaccurate, or inaccessible, hindering clinicians' ability to make informed decisions about diagnosis and treatment.

But it’s not just about the past and present. The data also provides a glimpse into the future. It is the key to predictive analytics, helping to identify trends and patterns that can improve proactive care.

The benefits that come with better digital infrastructure are immense, but data is one of the biggest advantages, because without it, we cannot keep up with society’s evolving needs.


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