Dorota Naumiuk

Dorota is an NHS orthopaedic practitioner by background and has a deep, firsthand understanding of the crucial role efficient operations play in healthcare.

Dorota is the kind of person who thrives in the eye of the storm, and at Open Medical, she's found a dynamic environment that matches her fast-paced approach. She's adaptable, practical, and able to steer the ship smoothly, no matter how choppy the waters. She's not just part of the team; she's a pillar of stability and a master problem-solver in tough times.

When she's not busy helping us navigate healthcare's challenges, Dorota leads an energetic life. She's into Muay Thai boxing and various sports, but also knows how to slow down with some gardening and a good book. She's always on the lookout for new ways to grow and learn.

Dorota's passion, resilience, and dedication have been at the heart of our growth and development.